Discover how our orthopedic surgery center can help you return to everyday activities.
A top orthopedic surgery center of Mission Viejo, Orange County Orthopedic Center features top area surgeons who specialize in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal issues. The focus of the surgeons at the center is on minimally invasive techniques, so that surgery:
- Is only used when absolutely necessary
- Allows the patient to return to everyday activities more quickly
Some of the most common orthopedic conditions we encounter include:
- Sprains – A common sports injury that is characterized by stretching or tearing your ligaments
- Achilles tendonitis – Pain and stiffness in the heel, where the Achilles tendon is located
- Tennis and golfer’s elbow – Inflammation of the tendons outside and inside your elbow, respectively
- Carpal tunnel syndrome – Irritation of the carpal tunnel nerve, which runs from your hand down your forearm
- Bursitis of the hip – Inflammation that can cause dull pain or sharp aches
- Osteoarthritis of the hip – Wear and tear on the joints located in your hip
- Plantar fasciitis – Inflamed plantar fascia, the band of tissue that supports the arch of your foot

- Hamstring strain – Injury to one of the muscles in the back of your thigh
- Runner’s knee – Pain around the knee, a condition common in runners and other athletes
- Torn ACL – A tear of the anterior cruciate ligament
- Rotator cuff tears – A tear to the group of muscles and tendons that keep your upper arm secure in its socket
- Herniated disc – This occurs when the gel-like substance in your discs pushes through the disc’s outer layer, a common problem with aging
- Spinal stenosis – Narrowing of the spinal canal
Keep in mind that diagnosing the cause of your pain and discomfort is an important first step in treating your condition and helping you to experience relief. Contact our office today to find out how we can help you and to schedule a consultation at our orthopedic surgery center of Mission Viejo.
What makes an orthopedic surgeon different from my family doctor?
An orthopedic surgeon has additional training when compared to your regular family physician. Orthopedics is a focus on the musculoskeletal system, which involves the bones, muscles, tissues, and joints. Following graduation from medical school, orthopedic doctors go on to graduate from a specialized orthopedic surgery residency program. This involves a lot of time spent in operating rooms and emergency rooms for hands-on experience with orthopedic procedures and emergency situations.
Orthopedic doctors also complete subspecialty training in the area of interest, such as sports medicine, allowing for directly learning of a unique focus. The training of the surgeons at our orthopedic surgery center of Mission Viejo goes beyond operative treatment. We also focus on total health care for athletes and are equipped with surgical skills and equipment that are precise and state-of-the-art.

How are orthopedic issues diagnosed?
Since there is such a wide variety of orthopedic problems and injuries, the steps needed for diagnosis will vary greatly according to the affected area and the cause for the discomfort. In some cases, a physical examination is all that is needed to diagnose a problem. During a physical exam, the orthopedic doctor will ask questions about the pain, such as when it started, what you believe the cause to be, and if there are any activities or movements you are able to do that make the problem better or worse. Your doctor will also check your range of motion, strength, and flexibility during the exam, as well as ask you questions about your medical history.
Sometimes, imaging tests like x-rays and MRIs are needed to rule out possible causes for pain. Imaging tests can also be used to discover just how serious your injury or condition has progressed. In more rare cases, injections and minimally-invasive surgery are used to help your doctor form a complete picture.
The diagnosis stage of your care is very important, because it helps your doctor create the best plan for relief. If you do not have a proper diagnosis, it could mean that you spend precious time trying to treat the incorrect condition or injury. In some cases, this can do more harm than good. To get the care that will be best for you in the long run, it’s very important to communicate thoroughly with your doctor at our orthopedic surgery center of Mission Viejo and mention any information you think could be helpful.